Recover faster and be stronger with the Strongest Vibration Foam Roller there is!
Take care of yourself with this simple and effective health technology. The vibration digs deeper than any other roller and inhibits pain. Not only will you get immediate results, it feels so good you will use it daily.
Vibration rolling digs deeper while being FAR less painful. Not only is this the ideal tool for releasing trigger points but it is also a perfect warm up tool. The best part is how good it feels. You WILL find your spots, and they WILL release. The vibration does all the work.
The Vibration Roller is the perfect tool for any active person.
+ Approved by physios and pro athletes
+ Save $ money on massage, chiro and physio visits
+ Recover faster
+ Enhance detoxification
Whether you're seeking faster and more efficient recovery from your workouts, improved mobility, or rehabbing an old injury, the Ultra Vibration Roller is game changing.
Use it for warm-up, cool-down, functional training, rehabilitation, physical therapy and active recovery. Expose trigger points with high pressure for deep tissue massage or use it therapeutically to relieve pain and stimulate blood flow and neural activity.
+ 5 levels of powerful vibration. The strongest vibration at the highest intensity.
+ Faster Recovery
+ Deep Tissue Massage
+ Reduce Pain
+ Turbocharge Warm-up stretching on vibration
+ Improve Circulation
+ Increase Range of motion
+ Save money on physio, chiro & massage
+ Flush away lactic acid
Top quality rechargeable battery lasts 2 hours on max and 3 hours at lower settings.
1 year warranty
Shipped weight 1.74kg
Dimensions: 43cm x 15cm x 15cm
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